
What is a gastroscopy?

The gastroscope is a thin flexible tube, smaller than the thickness of a finger for examination of the oesophagus and stomach. After you have been given intravenous sedation the tube is inserted through your mouth and into the stomach. Several procedures can be carried out through the gastroscope including taking small tissue samples (biopsy).

The gastroscope is a thin flexible tube, smaller than the thickness of a finger for examination of the oesophagus and stomach. After you have been given intravenous sedation the tube is inserted through your mouth and into the stomach. Several procedures can be carried out through the gastroscope including taking small tissue samples (biopsy).

Please inform either the medical or nursing staff if you are sensitive (allergic) to any drugs or substances. You must notify the doctor if you have been taking blood thinning tablets (Warfarin or Coumadin) or are taking any form of aspirin (this also includes Plavix or Iscover). You must also inform the staff if you are on any Diabetic medication. If you have any doubt about the medication that you are taking, please discuss this with your doctor before the procedure. In addition, if you have heart valve disease or a pacemaker, this must be brought to the attention of the doctor.

Important Information

It is VERY important that you have fasted. 
NO FOOD for 6 hours and NO DRINK 4 hours prior to your procedure.

You are not permitted to drive or operate machinery for at least 12 hours after the procedure.

For this reason, it is important that you organize prior to admission, a carer (relative or friend) who will take you home and look after you.

It is possible to go home in a taxi but only if you are accompanied by your carer. 

If you have not received any paperwork prior to your procedure, please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time to complete your admission paperwork. Please note that after admission you may have to wait for a small period of time before your procedure. Please be patient during this time as other procedures ahead of you can take longer than expected. We will do our very best to keep you informed.

On the day of your admission we ask that you come 15 minutes prior to your appointment time in order to complete your paperwork. The nursing staff will then take you for your procedure.

Prior to your procedure, you will talk to the Endoscopist and the anesthetist. They will explain the procedure and discuss the risks involved.

Your procedure may take between 10 and 40 minutes and you will be asleep during this time.

You will wake up in the recovery room. After a short time, you will be offered a light refreshment (tea, coffee, biscuits). Further instructions will be given to you regarding what you should do in the following 24 hours after your procedure. The sedatives given at the time may impair your memory and therefore it is important that you not undertake any important transactions, drive or operate machinery where there may be a risk of personal injury. It is important that you are accompanied home by a relative or friend. If you have any severe abdominal pain, bleeding, fever or any other symptom that causes you concern following the procedure, you MUST contact your Endoscopist immediately, or alternatively discuss the concern with your family answer them.

For more information please refer to our Discharge information.

  • Monday - Friday 08:00-5:30 CLOSED Saturday & Sunday
  • Call 03 9887 8698
  • Fax 03 9887 8532
  • WAVERLEY ENDOSCOPY: 301 Blackburn Rd (corner of Savige Ave) Mount Waverley, VIC 3149 ABN 68 060 106 461

We’re here to help.

If you have a question, want some more information or would just like to speak to someone, make an appointment now and our team will be in touch with you as soon as possible.